
陈祥恒 - 小提琴家/艺术亚洲音乐总监

香港小提琴家陈祥恒五岁开始学习小提琴,赴英前师承黄伟文,并于2004年获得英国皇家音乐学院演奏文凭,于2007年获得奖学金赴伯明翰音乐学院攻读音乐学士,师承Simon Smith, 并于2011年获荣誉学士。于2012年赴伦敦攻读音乐硕士和演奏博士,师承世界著名小提琴家Mayumi Fujikawa。除小提琴独奏外,陈祥恒亦活跃于乐团和室内乐的演出,曾担任香港新爱乐管弦乐乐团首席,日本东京巴洛克乐团首席,英国伦敦艺术交响乐團,并获多个乐团邀请于诸多世界著名的音乐厅演出。

Tim Chen - Violinist/ Asiartic Music Director

Tim Chen started learning the violin at five and achieved his DipABRSM in 2004. He graduated from Birmingham Conservatoire with a BMus(Hons) in 2011 under the tutelage of Simon Smith. Tim then went to the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance to study with Mayumi Fujikawa, where he obtained a MMus in 2013. In 2014 he has received a scholarship to continue further study at the Artist Diploma course in Trinity. Over these years, he was also received instructions from Raymond Wong, Andrew Bernardi and Detlef Hahn to name a few.

Tim is in demand as a player having participated in various projects such as leading the Hong Kong New Philharmonic Youth Orchestra for three years, concert master of Tokyo Baroque Collegium, performing with various musical organizations such as the Orchestra Europa and London Arts Orchestra. He has performed in concert venues such as the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Royal Festival Hall, Cadogan Hall and the Birmingham Symphony Hall.